
Publications, preprints, memoirs


  1. Symmetries of various sets of polynomials
    Béranger Seguin
    Jul 2024
    Preprint. 17 pages.
  2. Counting Components of Hurwitz Spaces
    Béranger Seguin
    Jul 2024
    Accepted for publication in the Israel Journal of Mathematics. 22 pages.
  3. Asymptotics of extensions of simple ℚ-algebras
    Fabian Gundlach, and Béranger Seguin
    May 2024
    Preprint. 32 pages.
  4. Study of a division-like property
    Robin Khanfir, and Béranger Seguin
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Apr 2024


  1. Geometry and Arithmetic of Components of Hurwitz Spaces
    Béranger Seguin
    Jul 2023
    PhD thesis.
  2. Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces
    Béranger Seguin
    Mar 2023
    Preprint. 28 pages, 3 figures.


  1. The Geometry of Rings of Components of Hurwitz Spaces
    Béranger Seguin
    Oct 2022
    Preprint. 52 pages.